Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Possibly best way to output statistic summaries

estpost sum wheat_2_value wheat_7_value wheat_12_value hay_1_value if xxxx==xxx
esttab using ss.rtf, cells("mean(fmt(2)) sd(fmt(2)) min(fmt(1)) max(fmt(0))") nomtitle nonumber replace label

Source: http://21cresearcher.blogspot.com/2009/09/stata-how-to-export-descriptive.html

How to let outsum work on Stata 12

Outsum package is now incompatible with newest versions of Stata, i.e. version 12 and version 13.  However, you can do some modification to the outsum ado file to let it work in new versions.  To do this, follow the below steps.

1. Type "which outsum" and run it to locate path of outsum.ado file, usually it is supposed to be "c:\ado\plus\o\outsum.ado".  Then copy the path.

2.  Type "doedit [paste your outsum.ado path here, not brackets]" and run it, a code editing window will pop out.

3. Press Ctrl+H to open replace window.  find  all "_all" and replace them with "*". Then save the file.

4. run "cscript" to clean the memory and reload all ado files.

Now outsum will work in later versions of Stata